Availing itself of highly qualified technicians who make use of the most modern and sophisticated instruments on the market
- Electronic CAD (Xpedition Enterprise of Mentor Graphics) for internal design of printed circuits layouts
- Mechanic CAD 2D (Microstation) to design electric wiring
- Eplan electric CAD to design Electric Boards
- 3D mechanic CAD to design mechanic parts
- 3D prototyping for ABS plastic parts (Dimension sst1200es)
- Various Systems to develop software for microprocessors
- Generator of Fast Transients (BURST with direct coupling on AC/DC power port with Capacitive Clamps on I/O interconnection CABLES)
- Impulse Generator (SURGE) with direct coupling on just AC/DC power port
- Generator of electrostatic discharges (ESD)
- Generator of Common mode radiofrequency disorders in the frequency band 0.15 ÷ 80MHz through CDN (Coupling/Decoupling Networks).
- Evaluation measures of conducted emissions in the frequency band 0.15 ÷ 30MHz through LISN ComTest and spectrum analyzer HP8591E. (just on AC/DC power port).
- Measures and assessments of emissions and radiated immunities in the frequency band 30 ÷ 1000MHz e 80 ÷ 1000MHz in shielded stripline cell GSTRIP ComTest
It makes use of the most cutting-edge machinery for SMT assembly
- Dry Cupboards for reconditioning of the electronic componenents
- Automatic Serigraphy: DEK and HTGD
- Spi: TRI (MOIRE) for welding paste dispensing control
- Automatic Assembly: MYDATA
- Covection Reflow: HELLER - HB
- Aoi: ALEADER control of existing components and welding quality
- Frame washer: BPT
- BGA component rework
- Laser Marker
- Conformal Coating for card tropicalisation
In order to supply a complete service and maximum reliability of the product T.E.M.A. S.p.A. (Joint Stock Company), after an agreement taken with its clients, can adopt two types of testing: PASSIVE and FUNCTIONAL or both
- Optical Inspection SAKI, Aleader
- Mobile Probe test SPEA
- Xray Control
- Functional Test : Enslaved by Fixture
- Automatic Testing Tools HP VXI
- Burn-in Thermal Chamber of 30 sq. Mt. For the test "life" of all products